Learn to write WINNING Grants!

Actually, we have thousands of testimonials. Too many to put on here, but you'll get the idea.

"After reading several library books on the topic, I knew I needed first hand instruction to fully understand how to get my business funded. Your workshop was everything I needed and what anyone else needs so they can get the funds" ~T. Jerewski, PLANTS

"Thanks Sharon. Your inspiration and well taught instruction landed our non-profit $147,300. in less than 20 days after your class. Excellent! You have to go to this if you want to start your biz"~V. Jamison

 "My ex-boss took a seminar from some other Grant company and it cost her $700. She got a grant.  My husband and I attended yours ($200) and we got 3 grants already, started our business and another foundation grant was just approved. Just wanted to say thanks again" ~Arlene's Tavern

"Thanks guys. I Love you! I had no idea that a grant workshop could be fun. I thought it was just for CPA's and insurance salespeople. Your class is fun and engaging and well worth every penny. I've referred over 30 associates to you and just got my $1000 from your company for the affiliate system. I about had a stroke. I was referring them because it works, I didn't really think OnPoint Promotions would really pay me for sending people to your workshops to learn how to get free money and become self employed! That's crazy. A Grand! " signed: Your favorite student~Teachers Pet Network

"To those of you that have a business idea in mind, take this workshop! It's a few hours a day for 2 days. You WILL get everything your startup needs to get paid, and never have to pay it back. What a country. I knew billions of gov't dollars were available, but I thought it was for big corporations, not a 68 year old man starting a grass-roots campaign, I got mine and I plan on getting plenty more where that came from. Thanks guys." ~C. Everton Wallace, Tiny Steps to Recovery